Contact Us
We sincerely thanks you for visiting our the Web, the www.zktuliao.com will help you to get more about paint information and services. Any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
E-mail: zhongkangtaibo@126.com
Tel: +86 022-82967300 022-82967303 022-86871478 022-82967305
022-86871476 022-86871479 022-82967315 022-82967310
022-82967301 022-82967313 022-82967302
Mobile:15822448897 13752369944 18222238337 13502048466
18322394033 18322392600 18222295216
Fax: 022-82967312
Name: Zhong Kang Tai Bo(Tianjin) Protective Coating Co.,Ltd.
Address: National Development Zone, Wuqing District, Tianjin City, China
Post Code: 301721